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The Monster Worms of the Cambrian (Atlas Obscura)
by Gemma Tarlach
In the time after the Cambrian Explosion, the land was bare, and life in the oceans existed on a small scale. Most animals were less than an inch long. Now, paleontologists have discovered a Cambrian monster—a relatively enormous, large-jawed, carnivorous worm.

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Sufis in Modern Afghanistan (Aeon Magazine)
by Annika Schmeding
For westerners, the recent history of Afghanistan may seem completely disconnected from the country’s long history of nurturing Sufi poetry and philosophy. But it remains a place where the continuing flow of those traditions mixes seamlessly with hard-nosed political realities.

What Sort of Lonely are You? (Vox)
by Allie Volpe
We often hear warnings about a loneliness epidemic. But loneliness is a tricky thing to measure, in part because it can mean more than one thing. By examining different shades of experience, researchers are finding a range of practices that may help.

Digging Deep to Find Life’s Beginnings (Quanta Magazine)
by Maya Wei-Haas
The Earth’s mantle is a mysterious place. Now, scientists have made a big breakthrough, collecting rocks from deep inside it. The things they’re uncovering could hold secrets about the origins of life.

Can Your Elected Official Block You on Facebook? (The Conversation)
by Charles J. Russo
The Supreme Court is considering cases regarding the social media accounts of local politicians. At stake are questions about what kind of online communication really facilitates free speech and democracy.

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