Google's self-driving car

That Time a Self-Driving Car Stared Down a Cyclist

A cyclist in Austin, Texas had an awkward encounter with a Google self-driving car when he approached a 4-way stop at the same time as the vehicle.
Close-up of the face of a killer robot

Who’s Afraid of Killer Robots?

Two recent DARPA projects have sparked fears about killer robots, machines that can decide whether to engage a target without human oversight.
Swarm of robots

Robots That Communicate with Each Other

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are working on creating robots that communicate with each other, allowing them to collaborate on tasks.
Young man holding a basketball over a ravine

The Magnus Effect: More Than a Viral Video

What is the concept of the Magnus effect?
Pizza-making robot

Pizza-Making Robots, Coming in 2018

The Robot Dymamic Manipulation (RoDyMan) Project aims to create pizza-making robots.
A robot deep in thought

How Synthetic Brains Can Advance Robotics

Why try to create synthetic brains? Given the anxieties around artificial intelligence, why risk it?
Europa, oneEuropa, one of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter

NASA Sets Its Sites on Europa

NASA has decided on the nature and scope of a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa, scheduled in the 2020s.
Origami Robot Courtesy of MIT

Self-Folding Origami Robots!

Origami robots can not only walk, but swim, climb, and carry twice their body weight—granted, the robot only weighs a third of a gram.
A row of telephone poles alongside a street

Before Broadband, Seeking Universal Access to the Telephone

Today's debates about low-income subsidizes for broadband echo early fights for universal access to telephone lines.
Famous Meroe pyramids

The Forgotten Pyramids of Sudan

Sudanese pyramids are far less well known by either archaeologists or the public than their Egyptian counterparts.