No, Trophy Hunting Won’t Protect Wildlife
Killing wildlife to save it isn't a viable strategy. We can create diverse, self-sustaining ecosystems without trophy hunting.
Climate Change’s Winners?
Climate change may be helping some species thrive. But as evidenced by cephalopods and swans, where one species wins, another loses.
Five Things You Didn’t Know About the Ocean
June is National Oceans Month. Celebrate with some beach reads.
Rachel Carson’s Lasting Legacy
On this day in 1907, Rachel Carson—one of the greatest ecologists and nature writers of our time—was born.
Can Game Theory Help Save Our Forests?
How forests and endangered species might be saved by artificial intelligence and game theory.
Our Oceans Are Suffocating
The oceans can’t catch a break. To rising temperatures and acidification caused by rising CO2 emissions, add oxygen deprivation .
Uptown Fox: On Wildlife in Cities
Urban environments are harsh, with only fragmentary remains of natural habitat. But human activity has driven a rise of wildlife in cities.
The Effects of El Niño You Never Hear About
El Niño is a complex series of weather patterns that arises in the Pacific, influencing weather phenomena around the world. But what's it doing to plankton?
Why We Can’t Turn Away from Wildlife Cams
Wildlife cams have steadily gained popularity among both scientists and casual observers. But viewers aren't always prepared for wildlife unscripted.
Solar Panels Get Small. Real Small.
Solar panels keep getting lighter and thinner. MIT researchers have created a solar panel so light and thin that it can rest on a soap bubble.