The Controversial Core of the Clean Water Act
Proposed changes to the Clean Water Act would make it more difficult to define what bodies of waters are deemed worthy of protection.
Naomi Klein: We Are Sleepwalking toward Apocalypse
Klein talks about her new book, On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal, and the youth movement for climate action.
Can Sustainable Travel in the Amazon Help Reduce Forest Fires?
A rainforest evangelist hopes that Brazil’s 55-million year old jungle can survive 21st century human impact.
Can Fire Destroy the Amazon?
The massive fires of 2019 have many asking the question: is there a "tipping point" beyond which the Amazon cannot recover?
Climate Change and Syria’s Civil War
Some scholars and scientists are calling climate change the invisible player in Syria's ongoing civil war. But is that too simplistic an explanation?
Why Aren’t Yellow School Buses Green?
There is a new push for electric school buses, which would pollute less. But the electric-powered vehicle is actually a very old technology.
The Conservatism of Conservation
Ecological conservation was originally focused on keeping things the way they were, and in that spirit, was closely connected with political conservatism.
The Potential Pros and Cons of Seabed Mining
Concentrations of iron manganese nuggets and other metals in the deep seabed have stirred up interest in mining. But at what cost?
Why Plastic Roads Lead to a Cleaner Ocean
To prevent several millions tons of plastic from flushing into the ocean every year, engineers are paving roads with it.
Climate Change and the Endangered Species Act
The Trump administration has moved to significantly weaken the ESA, limiting consideration of climate change when identifying species as endangered.