The remains of a carved turkey's carcass on a cutting board

It’s Time to Reinvent Food Waste!

Startups worldwide convert refuse into energy, biomaterials, and more food.
Wollemi Pine

Wollemi Pine, Dinosaur Tree

The Wollemi Pine is an ancient tree, virtually unchanged since herbivorous dinosaurs last munched on them.
Crane lifting waste out of landfill

Waste-to-Energy: Sustainability Solution or Ponzi Scheme?

Waste-to-energy involves generating electricity by converting waste into gasses. Many are wondering: does it work? And is it scalable?
Coral conservationist Ruth Gates

Remembering Coral Conservationist Ruth Gates

Dr. Ruth Gates worked tirelessly to conserve coral reefs, promoting a controversial idea called assisted evolution.
Computational fluid dynamics image of an experimental unmanned hypersonic aircraft

The Alarming Possibilities of Hypersonic Flight

Hypersonic aircraft can fly at least five times the speed of sound. They would make for terrifying weapons -- if they are even possible.
Venice, Italy with flooding and tourists walking in high water

Is It Time to Say Good-Bye to the Mediterranean?

The cradle of civilization may not support our civilization anymore.

Catching Cats With Cologne

The cat-attracting ability of perfume has been known since at least the 18th century. Will it help authorities catch a killer tiger?
diseases cures

The (Unproven, Deadly) Common Cure for Schizophrenia

Insulin coma and deep sleep therapies were used for years on patients with mental illness, even though there was never any evidence they worked.
Bear preparing to hibernate

How to Be the Fattest Bear

Gaining enough weight to survive a winter of hibernation is actually very hard work.
U.S. World War II anti-venereal disease poster

When America Incarcerated “Promiscuous” Women

From WWI to the 1950s, the "American Plan" rounded up sexually-active women and quarantined them, supposedly to protect soldiers from venereal disease.