What Happens to All That Used PPE?
Gloves, masks, and other personal protective equipment have kept us safe during the pandemic. Now they're washing up on beaches around the world.
Blaming People for Getting Sick Has a Long History
Four major theories of disease transmission dominated scientific discourse in the nineteenth century. As one scholar writes, all were political.
Police Violence Is a Public Health Issue
Research makes the case that people who fear police violence are less likely to seek out health care.
So You Want to Buy a Pet Chicken?
Looking for a sense of comfort and security by buying a chicken? You'll get more than you bargained for.
Alondra Nelson: Leave More Genius Work Behind
How do those who have been the objects of scientific study and medical experimentation become the agents or the producers of scientific knowledge?
Why Learning the Names of Trees Is Good for You
Getting to know trees can lead to new ways of looking at the world.
Francesca Vidotto: The Quantum Properties of Space-Time
Theoretical physicist Francesca Vidotto on feminist epistemology, white holes, string theory, and her book (with Carlo Rovelli) on loop quantum gravity.
Five Ways To Help the Environment While in Lockdown
We can’t be wandering outside much right now, but there are still ways to go green.
The Origins of the CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began during World War II to prevent the spread of malaria to troops stationed in the South.
The Weird Ways People Have Tied Blood Types to Identity
Scientific racism. Paternity tests. And mass tattooing, just in case of nuclear attack.