Empty cable cars hang over a ski slope that has had to be closed because of a lack of snow, on January 30, 2020 in Minamiuonuma, Japan.

Ski Resorts and Climate Change

The effects of climate change are already being felt by some ski resorts, but filling in the slopes with artificial snow may not be a good solution.

The Real Science of the Multiverse

Explaining some of the mind-bending science behind the popular science fiction trope.
A cat relaxing on a warm radiator

Heating Your Home Sustainably

Home heating can be done more sustainably than we currently do it. How to do it depends on a number of factors.
Collage of women astronomers

Eight Women Astronomers You Should Know

A guided tour of selected luminaries of astronomy, from Ancient Greece to today.
An illustration of flowers and weeds

A Weed is but an Unloved Flower

"Whatever Otherness weeds may possess, it is an outcome of human artifice.”
A screenshot from Squid Game

The Gruesome Truth at the Heart of Squid Game

Would you be willing to play games to get out of debt? Would you sell your organs?
Speaking Pictures : Pledge Promotes

Sobriety is Next to Godliness

Teetotalers in the early British temperance movement signed temperance pledges like those in The Livesey Collection on JSTOR.
Dog rejecting a mug of beer

“Where There’s Drink, There’s Danger”

These early temperance movement lantern slides from The Livesey Collection want you to abstain from drinking alcohol. Happy New Year!
A bull elk searches for food beneath the snow in Yellowstone National Park

Our Most Popular Stories of 2021

This year, readers were into peanut butter and jelly, semi-conductors, bayonets, Victorian knitting manuals, plus the hard-working dogs of Medieval Europe.
An advertisement for Burdock Blood Bitters

Our Writers’ Favorite Stories of 2021

Without our writers (and editors and fact checkers and producers) and you, we're nothing.