What Does It Mean to Have Jet Lag?
What is jet lag, and why does it affect us so much more in the spring than in the fall?
She Has Your Eyes. And Your Gut Bacteria’s Genome!
Upending our entire understanding of inheritance, an infant can apparently inherit genes directly from her mother’s bacteria.
To Avoid Allergies, Skip the Dishwasher
A new study says that children raised in homes where dishes are typically washed by hand have lower rates of allergies than where the dishwasher is used.
Scientists Discover Largest Black Hole Ever
Scientists recently discovered the largest black hole ever.
The World’s Strongest Material is Limpet Teeth
The world's strongest material is no longer spider silk, it's limpet teeth.
Sara Plummer Lemmon: Pioneering Botanist
Botany didn’t just intrigue and entertain Sara Plummer Lemmon—it deeply affected her personal life.
Mary Anning and Other Forgotten Female Fossilists
The accomplishments of Mary Anning and other early female fossilists, geologists and natural historians
Searching for a New Species? Look in the Museum
A Doncaster museum found that an old plaster cast of an ichthyosaur was in fact a brand new species.
Horseshoe Crabs: Humans’ Surprising Health Ally
It turns out that Atlantic horseshoe crabs are vital to our health.
Outdoor Recreation Can Impact Wildlife
That hike is low-impact, but not no-impact. Even low-impact outdoor recreation can impact wildlife