Sunscreen Linked to Coral Reef Decay
Globally, we release roughly four to six thousand tons of sunscreen in coral reef areas. The result has been disastrous.
Lead: Our Four-Thousand Year Old Pollutant
The history of lead pollution goes back 4000 years.
Does Deforestation Lead to Drought?
Are we at the point of no return?
The Global Coral Bleaching Event
We look at the current global coral bleaching event, possibly the worst in recorded history.
Why Electroshock Therapy Isn’t Bad for You
Electroconvulsive therapy, or electroshock, has a bad reputation, but medically its efficacy is well documented, even if nobody knows how it works.
Do Tall People Have a Higher Risk of Cancer?
We review the research on the correlation between height and cancer risk.
Botanist and Murderer? The Strange End of George R. Proctor
The obituary of noted botanist George R. Proctor reveals a surprising story.
Protecting Mars From Earthly Contaminates
Now that water has been discovered on Mars, the next step is to ensure we don't contaminate the planet with Earthly microbes and bacteria.