Haumea, a dwarf planet

The Weirdest Dwarf Planets Discovered So Far

The solar system is apparently more crowded than we thought: astronomers have discovered a new dwarf planet. Some dwarf planets don't play by the rules.
Beach Pneumatic Train

The Pneumatic Subway That Almost Was

New York almost had a pneumatic subway system, but political, legal, and financial reasons kept the system from expanding.
Moving Forest

The Incredible Moving Forest

For as long as plants have existed, there have been moving forests, migrating across the earth’s surface in response to changes in the climate.
A rendering of the Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) telescope

A New Tool in the Search for Alien Life

China is bringing a huge new radio telescope on-line, and part of its stated purpose will be to search for alien life.
Mahjong players

Making Sense of Social Gaming

What do social gaming habits reveal about the lives of those playing?
kid with food on floor

Sorry Kids, the 5-Second Rule is Bunk

The 5-second rule has been officially disproved.
Ocean Floor Map

The Mother of Ocean Floor Cartography

Marie Tharp's contribution to ocean-floor mapping and the acceptance of plate tectonics wasn't recognized at the time. 
17th century hurricane predictions

How to Predict Hurricanes in the 17th Century

In 1698, Captain Langford shared how one indigenous Caribbean person predicted hurricanes 14 days in advance.
Two Hummingbirds and an Orchid

Are There “Transgender” Proclivities in Animals?

We tend to think of gender expression as uniquely human. But many species gain advantages by projecting an opposite-sex appearance.
mosquito illustration

Believe It or Not, You Don’t Actually Want Mosquitoes Eradicated

What would happen if we actually eliminated mosquitoes?