Members of the Cascades Butterfly Citizen Science Team

A Scientific Look at Citizen Science

Citizen science involves using large numbers of volunteers to collect data for scientific research. But does it result in usable data?
Coral conservationist Ruth Gates

Remembering Coral Conservationist Ruth Gates

Dr. Ruth Gates worked tirelessly to conserve coral reefs, promoting a controversial idea called assisted evolution.
Hayabusa2 Approaches Asteroid Ryugu

Asteroids Are Windows to the Past

Japan’s space agency has landed rovers on Asteroid Ryugu. The photos and samples from the mission will reveal a lot about asteroids.
Illustration of a woman with straight hair and another with curly hair

Why Do Some People Have Curly Hair and Others Straight?

Either environmental or sexual selective pressure began acting on hair after humans began dispersing out of Africa.
Paleontologist dinosaur bones

The Controversy Around the First Museum Dinosaurs

Dinosaur bones on display at the American Museum of Natural History always balanced conveying objective truth with promoting science to the public.
Neutrino Antarctica

The Mysterious Neutrino

A new discovery puts scientists a bit closer to understanding the mysterious subatomic particle that is the neutrino.
Maria Mitchell

America’s First Woman Astronomer

Maria Mitchell became famous when she discovered a comet in 1847. She didn't stop there, fighting for education and equality for women in the sciences.
Airplane Breaking Sound Barrier

The Problems with Supersonic Flight

Supersonic aircrafts are much faster than typical passenger planes. Unfortunately, there are some downsides.
Neuroscience of Ventriloquism

How Ventriloquism Tricks the Brain

New research shows our brains place more weight on vision than hearing in identifying the source of a sound. But why?
Dark matter galaxy clusters

Dark Matter in the Universe

According to current scientific theories, dark matter and dark energy make up most of the universe. But we don't even know what they actually are.