The Genealogy Factor: Graveyards & Gravestones
This is the first in a series of columns by Genealogy Roadshow host Josh Taylor about doing genealogical research on JSTOR.
Revising Dust Bowl Myths
Charles J. Shindo attempts to revise common myths about the "Dust Bowl"
Mesmerizing Jonathan Miller
Read a 2001 Keynote Address from comedian and scholar Jonathan Miller from the Social Research conference on Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815).
The Erotics of Backgammon
James E. Doan reveals the sexual innuendoes and double-entendres based on Backgammon.
Do Police Deter Crime?
Is there a connection between larger police forces and lower crime rates?
An End to All Hell: 150th Anniversary of the Civil War’s End
The 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War.
No Foolin’: Jeremy Bentham’s Auto-Icon
There is a curious display in a glass-fronted cabinet at University College London. It's Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) .
The Psychological Power of the Confederate Flag
An experiment in Political Psychology points to just how powerful the confederate flag continues to be in stirring up racist attitudes among whites.
Olive Oatman: The Girl With the Mojave Tattoo
The mysterious story of Olive Oatman who returned after years of captivity with the Mojave.
Privies: Vaults of the Past
Privies were the standard urban and rural toilet right into the 20th century in the U.S.