What Christmas Meant to the Nazis
The Nazi regime used Christmas to foster among the German people a sense of national unity and pride.
The Codfish Pirates of Saint Malo
Saint Malo has sheltered scoundrels and villains for much of its history, including pirates, cod smugglers, and even Nazis.
Deportation: A History
Operation Wetback was another example of deportation being used as a social and political method of control.
The Immortal Life of Joice Heth: How P. T. Barnum Used an Elderly Slave To Launch His Career
P. T. Barnum's career as a Kentucky show man began with his ownership and exploitation of African American slave Joice Heth.
Considering the Sweet Potato
The sweet potato is a New World food that spread around the world, including across the Pacific before the Europeans got there.
The Return of Debtors’ Prisons
New lawsuits allege that court officials are jailing people who fall behind on payment of court fees and fines, leading to a resurgence of debtors' prisons.
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Pulpit
Judging from his public speeches, Franklin D. Roosevelt--aka FDR--may have been our most religious 20th century President.
The Persecution of the Romani by the Nazis
Like the Jews, the Romani were victims of the Nazi's ideology of race.