Island of the Blue Dolphins written by Scott O'Dell.

Stranded on the Island of the Blue Dolphins: The True Story of Juana Maria

Juana Maria, the lost woman of San Nicolas island, is as famous for her namelessness as for the lonely adventure she endured.
Blackfish. G. H. Nickerson, Provincetown, Cape Cod Views.

Why Don’t Americans Eat Whale?

Whales have been used for everything but meat in this country. Why is that?
A sleeping car porter employed by the Pullman Company at Union Station in Chicago, Illinois.

The Historic Achievement of the Pullman Porter’s Union

The achievements of the Pullman Porter's Union were a significant civil rights victory for both U.S. labor and the civil liberties of African-Americans. 
The great resettlement of the ethnic Germans from the East began its second phase. Following the Baltic Germans, well over 100,000 Volhynian Germans came back into the Reich. The men started the trek to the new settlements, while the women and children found a caring reception in the large transit camps.

The Largest Forced Migration In European History

Trump's comments on deporting 11 million undocumented migrants have precedent: the forced migration of millions of ethnic-Germans in the aftermath of WWII.
Kim Jong Un

North Korea’s Fight To Go Nuclear

North Korea has for decades tried to acquire nuclear technology, but international reluctance and a lack of resources have been their greatest obstacles. 
A ship stuck in a storm.

3 Explorers Who Vanished Without a Trace

These 3 explorers dedicated their lives to illuminating some dark corner of the Earth. Although they died in pursuit of knowledge, their legacies live on.
The road to liberty; a station on the Underground Railroad.

The Secret Order Behind the Underground Railroad

William Lambert and George De Baptiste, free-born black men, used the underground railroad to help slaves escape to British Canada. 
A Sandhill Crane walking in a marsh

Western Lands and the Rise of the Political Right

The Sagebrush Rebellion proved pivotal in strengthening the politics of the Republican Party in the West.
Close range handgun

Why Do Some States Have Citizen Militias While Others Don’t?

The occupation of a wildlife refuge in Oregon and subsequent arrest of Ammon Bundy has once again drawn ...
A water tower at sunset.

Before Flint: How Ancient Civilizations Maintained Their Drinking Water

Ancient civilizations utilized various creative strategies to supply their populations with usable and drinkable water.