The Obscured History of Jamaica’s Maroon Societies
Maroon societies in Jamaica and the rest of the Americas have survived for hundreds of years.
Ballot Position: It Matters
Did you know that ballot position can have an effect on voting? The first-listed candidate is more likely to be voted for.
The Little-Known History of the Forced Sterilization of Native American Women
Jane Lawrence documents the forced sterilization of thousands of Native American women by the Indian Health Service in the 1960s and 1970s.
Putting Garbage Out of Sight
Recycling has always been something most people would prefer to keep at arm's length.
The Struggle for Hawaii
Hawaii has been a state for 57 years, but its history goes back much further.
Remembering the Civil Rights Movement…With Comics
Congressman John Lewis's graphic autobiography March: Book Two draws on the richly textured oral history of the Civil Rights Movement.
The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy theories boil down to a rejection of the absurdity, meaninglessness, and randomness of life and history.
What Do People Think of the Insanity Defense?
John Hinckley Jr., who tried to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981, has been released from the psychiatric hospital where ...
A Brief History of US Drinking
In 1770, the average colonial Americans consumed about three and a half gallons of alcohol per year, about double the modern rate.
Women Leaders on the International Front
With the real possibility of the first woman being elected president of the U.S., let's take a look at the situation around the globe.