Challenges Beyond the Classroom: Poverty, Race and Educational Achievement
Levels of educational achievement in the U.S. are deeply connected with race & income levels.
Is Common Core Doomed?
Is there still hope for Common Core Standards? And what will make them effective?
Does Common Core Math Work?
(This is the first post in a four-part series about Common Core) Why is my kid’s math homework ...
Are Bilingual People Smarter Than People Who Speak One Language?
Is the bilingual advantage real? Are bilingual people smarter than people who speak one language?
Should Vaccination Be Compulsory?
While science is clear that vaccines are safe and effective, it is silent on whether or not mandating compulsory vaccination is the right thing to do.
Sociologists Test Six Arguments For and Against Capital Punishment
The sociologists Michael Radlet and Marian Borg test out six arguments for and against capital punishment.
A Short Guide to Iconoclasm in Early History
In the 8th century, the Eastern or Orthodox branch of Christianity gave history the word iconoclasm, from the Greek words for "icon smashing."
AT&T: Birth of the First Social Network
The first transcontinental telephone call was put through on January 25, 1915.
Do Good Students Make Bad Teachers?
The relationship between GPA and the performance of good and bad teachers seems modest at best.
‘Traditional Values’ Meet New Technology in the Home Schooling Movement
Michael W. Apple traces both the growth of home schooling and its related political activism to virtual communities made possible by the Internet.