Gruppe 47: The Group That Made Günter Grass
How did Günter Grass go from child soldier to literary titan? Part of the answer lies in the history of literary group Gruppe 47.
Claudia Rankine Nominated for Poetry and Criticism Awards by National Book Critics Circle
Claudia Rankine's Citizen: An American Lyric, was the first book to be nominated by the National Book Critics Circle for both poetry and criticism.
Eduardo Galeano 1940-2015
A historian of Latin America, and a victim of two dictatorships, Galeano was also inevitably a historian of the colossus to the north.
All the Young Dudes: Generic Gender Terms Among Young Women
The linguistics behind gender neutral terms among young women.
A Brief History of Young Adult Fiction
Before there such a thing as "YA," librarians struggled not just to define a genre, but to figure out how to get books in the hands of young readers.
More on Internet Neologisms: Rage Quitting is a Thing
More on internet neologisms: pairing together a (negative) mood word with a verb to produce a semi-productive compound.
All the Feels: the Morphology of Reaction Gifs
From visual emojis depicting simple emotional states, it's a short step to emotion or reaction gifs, used to respond in playful ways to online discussions.
Streaming Shakespeare in the Twenty-First Century
What does "live theatre" truly mean when it's broadcast to cinema screens? And how does streaming Shakespeare stack up to the theatrical version?
History’s Other Odd Couple: Mark Twain and Helen Keller
Helen Keller and Mark Twain's unusual friendship.
Word to your Mother (Tongue): Can Hip Hop Save Endangered Languages?
Hip hop is not only linguistically innovative, it helps preserve indigenous languages via oral tradition.