"Annual report of the Board of Education of School District Number One in the City and County of Denver, Colorado (1918) (14779460911)" by School District Number One in the City and County of Denver, Colorado. Board of Education - https://www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/14779460911/Source book page: https://archive.org/stream/annualreportofb1819scho/annualreportofb1819scho#page/n143/mode/1up. Licensed under No restrictions via <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Annual_report_of_the_Board_of_Education_of_School_District_Number_One_in_the_City_and_County_of_Denver,_Colorado_(1918)_(14779460911).jpg#/media/File:Annual_report_of_the_Board_of_Education_of_School_District_Number_One_in_the_City_and_County_of_Denver,_Colorado_(1918)_(14779460911).jpg" target="_blank">Commons</a>

Teaching Kids Their Place

A historical survey of early 20th century teaching finds students being taught their place in the socioeconomic system.
circa 1955:  American humorist and author John Henry Faulk (1913 - 1990), narrates the history of early America in a still from the television program,'They Call It Folk Music.'  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Hearing Harriet Smith

In the University of Texas library, our writer found a previously unknown audiotape of an interview with a woman who'd been born into slavery.
Anti-immigration protest sign

Migrants, Refugees, and Expats: How Humanity Comes in Waves

The language we use for people fleeing their home nations may define them as less than human.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Breadwinners, Adjusting to Entitlement, Our Newest Ancestor

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought ...
Photo by ABC Photo Archives/ABC via Getty Images

The Problem With ‘All-American Girl’

The sitcom All-American Girl was the first to focus on an Asian American family; it lasted one season.
Attempting to block integration at the University of Alabama, Governor of Alabama George Wallace stands at the door of the Foster Auditorium while being confronted by United States Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach.

Was George Wallace Anti-Education…Or Just Anti-Integration?

While pledging to keep schools segregated, Alabama Governor George Wallace set up a community college system that benefited black Alabamans.
A pastor speaking to his congregation

When Televangelism Got Big

Deregulation of the airwaves helped lead to the success of televangelism, and cable made it stronger.
An empty turtle shell

Turtle Shells: More Than Meets the Eye

Turtle shells evolved over time from earlier precursor structures.
A refugee family seen arrives at the Munich railway station before being checked by the medical staffs. - Thousands of refugees mainly from Iraq and Syria continue to flood in to Munich railway station in southern Germany as trains arrive from Budapest and Vienna. 8th September 2015 (Photo by Geovien So/NurPhoto)

Credit: Associated Press

How Should Europe Welcome Refugees?

A comparison of the different ways European countries welcome refugees suggest that a combination of methods works best.
"England monastery in Lacock Abbei 1844 by Talbot" by Henry Fox Talbot - books (источники: Сергей Александрович Морозов. Творческая фотография. М.:Изд-во «Планета», 3-е изд., 1989, ISBN 5-85250-029-1). Licensed under Public Domain via <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:England_monastery_in_Lacock_Abbei_1844_by_Talbot.jpg#/media/File:England_monastery_in_Lacock_Abbei_1844_by_Talbot.jpg" target="_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a>

Art, Technology, & Early Photography: William Henry Fox Talbot

The 175th anniversary of William Henry Fox Talbot's calotype photography.