Mandarin orange

Ignoring the Cure for Scurvy

It may have altered the outcome of the Revolutionary War.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Rich Kids, Mean Drunks, and Terrorists

Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought to you each Tuesday from the editors of JSTOR Daily.
Speech Bubbles

When Actions Are Words

How certain speech acts perform actions and alter our social reality.
The White House

The Perils of Protectionism

Why does the U.S. continue to pursue policy that doesn't work?
The iconic clock scene from Safety Last! (1923)

When People Talked at the Movies

Being silent in a movie theater is a learned habit.
Humpback Whale

The Importance of Whale Poop

Whales are an important part of ocean biodiversity. So is their poop.
Lincoln University graduate Lloyd L. Gaines, 24 years old, during the mandamus suit trial in which he is seeking to compel the University of Missouri to admit him as a law student. (Copyright Bettmann/Corbis / AP Images)

Desegregating Mizzou

It took twelve years and the Supreme Court before the University of Missouri agreed to accept black students.
Vintage Tea Set

What Two Tea Parties From the Past Can Tell Us About 19th-Century Domesticity

How domesticity varies by class.
A bowl of mashed sweet potatoes.

Considering the Sweet Potato

The sweet potato is a New World food that spread around the world, including across the Pacific before the Europeans got there.
Music act Neurosis performing live at the Brooklyn Masonic Temple, New York, January 19, 2013 - (Copyright Tim Bugbee/The Hell Gate/Corbis / APImages)

Heavy Metal’s Classical Roots: Neurosis’ Symphony of Sludge

Relapse Records recently reissued Neurosis' famous "Times of Grace," and the album is a sadomasochistic symphony.