Mrs. Reagan hosts the First Ladies Conference on Drug Abuse, 1985 in the White House East Room

Nancy Reagan and the Paradox of Being First Lady

The role of the First Lady is undefined and dependent on the woman in the role, but it's a politically fraught one for all of them. 
Flying Penguin

Zoological Jokes and Hoaxes

The humor in inventing fake animals comes from the fact that the audience is in on the joke. Nevertheless, the line between satire and hoax can be fuzzy.
Installation view at Elmhurst Biennial

Artist-Designer John Preus

Artist John Preus maintains a professional design studio that uses 2nd hand materials, including discarded furniture from closed Chicago Public Schools.
introverted children

In Defense of Introverted Children

As the mother of an introverted child, I felt unnerved by the reactions of adults around me to my daughter’s quietness.
Playing go in the garden

Games of Artificial Intelligence

Chess and artificial intelligence have been matched almost since the beginning of AI research, but now there's a new game in town. 
Icebergs in Antarctica

Antarctica: Love of a Cold Climate

Can images make us love an unlovable place like Antarctica?
Art Gallery of New South Wales

Everyone’s a Curator

Should the term curator be used broadly or narrowly? Can it cover professional museum curators as well as Pinterest boards?
Multilingual conversation.

Is Bilingual Education Returning?

The U.S. Department of Education now recognizes biliteracy as a mark of educational excellence, which may mean that bilingual education is coming back.
Chimpanzee working with a tool.

The Incredible Range of Chimpanzee Behavior

So why are chimpanzee throwing rocks at trees? And then collecting the rocks in piles to use again?
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Pain, Grit, and Quinoa

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. ...