Cars crashing at the demolition derby

A Crash Course in the Demolition Derby

The demolition derby was ready-made for the age of planned obsolescence from automobile manufacturers, who happily sponsored demolition derby venues.
human trafficking cover

“White Slavery” and the Policing of Domestic Life

In the early 20th century, journalistic exposés, novels, and vice commission reports trumpeted fears about "white slavery" sweeping the country.
boy playing with toy plane while waiting in airport

Did Aviation Anxiety End the Era of Kid-Friendly Airports?

Despite intensifying concerns over security, airports play a vital role in teaching children about the interconnected world in which we live.
Monks in cloisters

When People Thought Charitable Donations Would Save Their Souls

As the Middle Ages progressed, monasteries became a major engine of economic activity in European communities.

It’s a Yeti! It’s an Abominable Snowman! It’s a… Bear?

A group of scientists from Buffalo tried to definitively prove whether or not the Yeti exists, examining DNA from a variety of hair and tooth samples.
Mr and Mrs William Lindow

How 17th Century Unmarried Women Helped Shape Capitalism

Under coverture, married English women had no rights to their property, even though unmarried women did, making for a unique system in Europe.
Crane shot of rows of full clothes racks with various styles, colors, and materials

Fashion Forward: How Three Revolutionary Fabrics Are Greening the Industry

Kelp, yeast, and sequestered methane gas are on the forefront of the move to create environmentally friendly clothing
Spring Frances MacDonald

The Scottish Sisters Who Pioneered Art Nouveau

Margaret and Frances Macdonald and their Glasgow School of Art classmates Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Harold MacNair were Art Nouveau's Glasgow Four.
JSTOR Daily Suggested Readings

Suggested Readings: Penguins, Traffic, and the FBI

Well-researched stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought to you each Tuesday from the editors of JSTOR Daily.
Female chemist at work in laboratory.

Supermalaria, Disaster Testing, and a Drop in Antibiotics Use

A new drug-resistant malaria strain is spreading in South-East Asia. Farmers may be using fewer anti-biotics. Engineers are studying national disasters.