How Courageous Should Nurses Have to Be?
According to three scholars, it's asking a lot for health care professionals to be completely selfless.
What’s the Difference between a Shanty and a Sea Song?
“Soon May the Wellerman Come” is the heart of ShantyTok—but it’s not a sea shanty at all. Two authoritative essays roil the waters.
How the Civil War Got Its Name
From "insurrection" to "rebellion" to "Civil War," finding a name for the conflict was always political.
Native Nations and the BIA: It’s Complicated
Historically, relations between Native Americans and the Bureau of Indian Affairs have been contentious. Is that still the case?
The Shark-Fighting Brothers behind 20,000 Leagues under the Sea
In 1916, the Williamson brothers used their father's underwater photography device to film a fight with a shark, piquing Universal Pictures' interest.
Cults on TV!
How stereotypes influence our ideas about what is and isn’t legitimate religion.
How the IWW Grew after the Centralia Tragedy
A violent confrontation between the IWW and the American Legion put organized labor on trial, but a hostile federal government didn’t stop the IWW from growing.
Why Some Plants Are Parasites
Tap into the underground network of plants and fungi with mysterious myco-heterotrophes.
The Early American Radical Fiction of John Lithgow
In the early 1800s, the Scottish immigrant wrote an anonymous tract imagining equality. He was worried about the brand-new American republic.
A New “Lost Cause,” Rhinos on the Edge, and Moon Water
Well-researched stories from CNN, the New York Times, and other publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.