Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny Scholarship Is a Wascally Wesearch Wabbit Hole

In this edition of Research Rabbit Hole, we dig up scholarship about what one academic calls "the signifying rabbit."
From The Mountains of California, by John Muir (New York: The Century, 1898)

Plant of the Month: White Sage

An important part of Indigenous spirituality and identity, the aromatic evergreen shrub is being threatened by poachers and over-commercialization.
The figure on the left represents Roger Tichborne as he appears in a photograph in 1854. The figure on the right represents Tichborne as he appeared at the trial.

Body Double

Long before the imposture of Anna Delvey, the Tichborne Claimaint swept a nation’s imagination.
A North American Beaver - Castor Canadensis - sitting in the grass grooming itself

Beaver Politics in Oregon

Reintroduction of the beaver may help mitigate the effects of climate change, but the obstacles between these toothy rodents and their ponds are many.
Lily pollen at a magnification of x750

Sea Gardens, Gun Laws, and Secrets of Pollen

Well-researched stories from Quanta Magazine, Atlas Obscura, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Earl Stewart (L) and Michael Veal (R)

The Scholars Charting Black Music’s Timeline: Earl Stewart and Michael Veal

Earl Stewart and Michael Veal explore African American music from the Civil War and the evolving sounds of the Black Atlantic.
An amazing looking super cell storm cloud forming on the east coast of Queensland, Australia.

Ecosystems and Extreme Weather Events

Cyclones, droughts, and other severe climate events produce a variety of ecological responses, some of them irreversible.
An illustration from Alice in Wonderland; a dramatization of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the looking glass," 1915

Who Made That Word and Why?

No matter how many words in a language, it seems that we always need just one more to explain ourselves.
A computer-generated image of the Project CyberSyn operations room

The Chilean Wide Web?

Salvador Allende’s attempt to network the national economy mirrored his government’s struggle to balance centralization and decentralization.
Shéhérazade by George Barbier, 1910

The Exotic “Pornography” of the Arabian Nights

The heated debates over Burton’s explicit translation of the beloved tales exposed Victorian England’s preoccupation with sex.