Fact-Based Courts, but What Facts?
US courts operate as "informationally disabled" institutions that may lack (or intentionally exclude) important facts when making complex legal decisions.
When Harvard Students Couldn’t Get Warm
The early heating systems of New England kept Harvard students cold until the early twentieth century.
Jim Crow’s Civil Defense Plans
The first head of the Federal Civil Defense Administration planned on maintaining segregation in bomb shelters, and in the post-nuclear future.
Canopy Gaps Define Growth in the Forest
Gaps in the forest canopy can reveal important information, and result in regeneration.
Can a Robot Become a Pizza Chef?
Tracking the accomplishments of RoDyMan in a valiant attempt to make a pizza.
Buffalo Soldiers and the Bicycle Corps
Buffalo Soldiers were assigned to assess bicycles as military transportation on the frontier at the end of the nineteenth century.
Heartbreak, Book Bans, and Killer Whales
Well-researched stories from NPR, Black Perspectives, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
A Food Desert in an Urban Neighborhood
Food deserts have complex causes, and require multiple solutions.
How Consumers Cope With Celebrity Deaths
The sale of celebrity memorabilia increases in the weeks following their death.
Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities
Deforestation in areas where residents hunt and gather food can lead to malnutrition, food insecurity, and greater forest loss.