Werewolf gargoyle

Depressed People Aren’t Villains—Nor Are They Werewolves

Our tendency to view people with mental disorders as monsters instead of patients has a history that dates back to the 1400s.
man in garden on laptop

Secret Communities: Why We Confess Online

How can it be helpful to disclose secrets online? A look at sites like PostSecret, where users anonymously confess to things they've never told anyone.
grief app

Grief? There’s an App for That.

Would you want to be able to talk to a loved one after they'd passed away, knowing it wasn't really them? Would it help? Would it hurt?
potato chips

The Story of the Invention of the Potato Chip Is a Myth

Everyone knows the potato chip was invented in Saratoga Springs, NY in 1853. Except it wasn’t.
uber driver gig economy

Working More for Less: Dangers of the Gig Economy

The "gig economy" benefits startups and tech companies, but it may be unsustainable, and unethical for the economy, and workers, at large.
Nazis Kurt Daluege, Heinrich Himmler, Ernst Röhm in 1933

Ernst Röhm, The Highest-Ranking Gay Nazi

Ernst Röhm, the highest-ranking gay Nazi, presents an interesting study in the construction and containment of masculinity by the right.
Alan Emtage

Meet Alan Emtage, the Black Technologist Who Invented ARCHIE, the First Internet Search Engine

Internet search has had a profound impact on our own internal makeup—on how we learn, and how we think.
Martha Van Rensselaer and Flora Rose

The Turn-of-the-Century Lesbians Who Founded The Field of Home Ec

Flora Rose and Martha Van Rensselaer lived in an open and acknowledged lesbian relationship. They also helped found the field of home economics.
Sunrise between the stones at Stonehenge on the Winter Solstice in the mid 1980s.

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:StonehengeSunrise1980s.jpg

Celebrating Solstice the Ancient Greek Way

The winter solstice Festival of Poseidon was epic.
Santa at chimney

What Santa Claus Looks Like

Where does the figure of Santa Claus come from? Turns out the answer is not "the North Pole." And he's not just about Christianity, either.