A student working on a laptop computer

Embracing Your Inner Cyborg

Cyborgs might be closer in the future than you think.
Snøhetta expansion of the new SFMOMA, 2016; photo © Henrik Kam, courtesy SFMOMA

SFMOMA: The Brave New World of Art Museums

SFMOMA celebrated its 75th anniversary with a huge architectural expansion, only rivaled by its technological innovations.

The Internet’s Baby Pictures, 25 Years After the Birth of the Web

Tim Berners-Lee set up HTML (hypertext markup language) and HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) twenty-five years ago today.
Jim Bauer, via Flickr https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7562/15566635873_27d7dc07fe_o_d.jpg, https://www.flickr.com/photos/lens-cap/

Happy Mother’s Day: Kids’ Screen Time is a Feminist Issue

Portable electronics like smartphones and tablets are indispensable tools for mothers and caregivers. Why do we shame them for allowing kids screen time?
Robopocalypse, by Daniel H. Wilson

How to Find Hope in Dystopian Fiction

It’s crucial that we use dystopias to inspire social and technological innovation.
Student using a cell phone

Should Cell Phones Be Used in the Classroom?

When schools welcome the use of cell phones and other technologies in the classroom.
Google's self-driving car

That Time a Self-Driving Car Stared Down a Cyclist

A cyclist in Austin, Texas had an awkward encounter with a Google self-driving car when he approached a 4-way stop at the same time as the vehicle.
Close-up of the face of a killer robot

Who’s Afraid of Killer Robots?

Two recent DARPA projects have sparked fears about killer robots, machines that can decide whether to engage a target without human oversight.
Swarm of robots

Robots That Communicate with Each Other

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are working on creating robots that communicate with each other, allowing them to collaborate on tasks.
Three blurred figures taking a photo with a selfie stick

#museumselfies: Museums and Selfies in this Digital Age

Will selfies save our museums? Find out about this growing #museumselfie trend.