George Wallace in front of a podium

Race Has Always Affected the Vote

While racism in the United States is often attributed to poor whites, research suggests its political power resides in middle and wealthy suburban whites.
Donald Trump makes a campaign stop at Muscatine Iowa on 1/24/2016

Donald Trump and “Whiteness”

Donald Trump's controversial racial rhetoric and mostly white supporters lead us to ask what whiteness means to white people?
Port Gibson, Mississippi, August 1940.

Racism and American Exceptionalism

America's domestic policies have been motivated by racist policies that began even before the anti-welfare arguments of the Reagan era. 
North Dakota Fighting Sioux Logo

The Fight to Remove American Indian Mascots

The fight to remove American Indian mascots from universities and professional sports programs.
Concerned Student 1950, led by University of Missouri graduate student Jonathan Butler, second from right, speaks following the announcement that University of Missouri System President Tim Wolfe would resign Monday, Nov. 9, 2015, in Columbia, Mo. Wolfe resigned Monday with the football team and others on campus in open revolt over his handling of racial tensions at the school. (Sarah Bell/Missourian via AP)

The Pervasive Racism on U.S. College Campuses

How faculty and students of color are marginalized by their own institutions.
Prince Edward County School (AP Photo/Henry Burroughs)

When a Memoir Tells Half the Story: Prince Edward County and School Desegregation

Kristen Green's memoir Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County neglects the broader significance of the county's school desegregation crisis.
Barack Obama in the foreground with a blurred audience in the background

Why Racism Is Terrible for Everyone’s Health

Heather Gilligan explores the impact of racism on the fight towards universal health care.
Pile of textbooks on a desk

The Racism of History Textbooks

How history textbooks reinforced narratives of racism, and the fight to change those books from the 1940s to the present.
"Albert Einstein 1947" by Photograph by Oren Jack Turner, Princeton, N.J. - The Library of Congress. Licensed under Public Domain via <a href="" target="_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a>

Albert Einstein: Genius and Anti-racist

A look at Albert Einstein's passionate fight against racism.
A teacher helps a student in the classroom

White Teachers, Black Students

Perception of black students by their white teachers may be racially biased.