Young friends studying on laptop together in living room

Teaching Summary Skills with JSTOR Daily

Helping students to summarize scholarly works starts with getting them to ask the right questions about the material and the purpose of the exercise.
The Argive Heraion sanctuary, looking towards the New Temple

Layers and Landmarks at the Argive Heraion

Using text analysis tools such as JSTOR's Constellate helps archaeologists see how the meanings and interpretations of heritage sites have changed over time.
picture books

Why Picture Books Were Once Considered Dangerous for Children

For Puritan New England, picture books were dangerous. But the Enlightenment, by way of John Locke, made illustrations more acceptable in the classroom.
Students on tablets

6 Digital Work Habits Every Student (and Adult) Needs

These digital study habits are relatively simple and sustainable, and work for students and parents alike.
A group of elementary school aged students working on an assignment together

Tackling Racism in School Discipline

Skyline High School in Oakland, California addressed serious racial disparities in school discipline, with students leading the way.