
The Enduring Mysteries of the Narwhal’s Tusk

Why don't we know what narwhals' tusks are for? New footage suggests they use the tusks to stun fish before eating then, but some mysteries remain.
Beached whales engraving

Why Do Whales Strand Themselves?

In huge pods, small groups, or as individuals, whales routinely find themselves aground or stuck in shallow water. But why do strandings happen?
Jellyfish bloom

The Global Jellyfish Crisis in Perspective

Are the increasing jellyfish blooms in our oceans the result of global temperature changes?
Ocean currents map

Could Climate Change Alter the Ocean’s Currents?

What do currents do anyway? What would happen if they stopped?
Giant Squid attack

Giant Squid, Giant Secrets

Very little is known about the giant squid, which surely has added to the strange creature's mystique.
Bioluminescent ocean

The Glowing Mystery of Bioluminescence

Bioluminescence, an animal's ability to create and use light, exists exclusively in the lower branches of the tree of life.
Ocean Floor Map

The Mother of Ocean Floor Cartography

Marie Tharp's contribution to ocean-floor mapping and the acceptance of plate tectonics wasn't recognized at the time. 
rising sea levels

Sea Level Rise Is Already Here

For the 44% of the world's population that lives near the coastline, global climate change is no longer abstract. 
Greenland Shark illustration

Slow, Steady, and Very, Very, Very Old

Why do Greenland Sharks and Pacific Rockfish live for hundreds and hundreds of years?
Stanford VR coral world

Can Virtual Reality Emerge as a Tool for Conservation?

New advances in technology are sparking efforts to use virtual reality to help people gain a deeper appreciation of environmental challenges.