The Return of Socialism
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has catapulted the term "Democratic socialist" back into the spotlight. What does it actually mean to be a socialist?
Are Referendums Good For Democracy?
Referendums have a way of turning everyone into a self-proclaimed political expert. But does giving a population the chance to directly weigh in on a specific issue lead to a more informed voting public?
Time for Reform of the Electoral College?
Is it finally time to reform the Electoral College after 2000 and 2016? If so, how could this be done?
Should Nixon Have Demanded a Recount?
A lot about the 2016 presidential election has been unprecedented, but this isn’t the first time we’ve seen calls for recounts in some states.
The Politics of Kindness in 2016
Kindness matters. It’s just that our politicians have their own reasons for their own kind behavior.
Ballot Position: It Matters
Did you know that ballot position can have an effect on voting? The first-listed candidate is more likely to be voted for.
Electoral College 101
They don't campaign and very few know who they are, but you'll be voting for them this November: introducing the Electors. Again.
When Does Truth Trump Bias?
In the wake of both national conventions, how do we find truth and how do journalists represent it without being too biased or too neutral?
Populism for Beginners
If the appeal of Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, and Brexit can all be described as "populist," then what is populism?
Why Do They Build Party Platforms, Anyway?
What is the point of the party platforms unveiled at political conventions?