Examining Trump’s Military Budget
The United States' calling card is its strong military. What role does military spending play in the federal budget? And is more always better?
The Largest Forced Migration In European History
Trump's comments on deporting 11 million undocumented migrants have precedent: the forced migration of millions of ethnic-Germans in the aftermath of WWII.
Frank Sinatra’s Radical Past
On the occaision of Frank Sinatra's centennial, we look into his radical past.
Brainwashing, Mind Control, and American Paranoia
During the Cold War, Americans believed the Soviets and Communist China had developed brainwashing techniques. Then it came to America.
Potsdam and the Origins of the Cold War
An exploration of Potsdam and its effects on the Cold War.
Escapist Humor in East and West Berlin
Humor in East and West Berlin before the wall came down.
Space Is The Place: The US, USSR, and Space Exploration
Even during the Cold War, US and Russian cooperation succeeded in space exploration.