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Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought to you each Tuesday from the editors of JSTOR Daily.

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Donald, Hillary, and social science (The Conversation)
by Jeffrey Q. McCune Jr., Peter Kastor, and Rebecca Wanzo
What’s normal when it comes to “locker room talk?” How should we think about the problems of the “inner city?” How has the democratization of U.S. party nominations changed our politics? Three professors apply scholarship to Sunday night’s presidential debate.

Potato, potahto, and cod (The Financial Times)
by Pilita Clark
Do you sometimes have trouble understanding people with European accents? American cod might have the same problem. Researchers have found significant regional differences in the way the fish express themselves on different sides of the Atlantic.

How long can we live? (AP)
by Alicia Chang
Advances in medical science have been extending our lives for centuries. But a new study published in Nature suggests this won’t go on indefinitely. While the average lifetime could keep creeping up, the complicated nature of the aging process means the record for oldest person is likely to stay at 122 for the foreseeable future.

The stressful job of the American teacher (The Atlantic)
by Timothy D. Walker
Teachers are among the most stressed U.S. workers. Researchers have found that high demands and inadequate preparation contribute to the problem. The results are troubling for students, and for the future of our schools.

Are meat-eaters as bad as anti-vaxxers? (Pacific Standard)
by James McWilliams
Think parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are a danger to public health? People who eat meat from factory farms could be just as bad. The heavy use of antibiotics in factory farming is putting human health at risk.

Have you seen a story online that does a good job of bridging the gap between the news and scholarship? Or something that seems particularly well-researched? Let us know and we may include it in next week’s roundup. Email us at jstordaily_submissions (at) jstor (dot) org.