How the IWW Grew after the Centralia Tragedy
A violent confrontation between the IWW and the American Legion put organized labor on trial, but a hostile federal government didn’t stop the IWW from growing.
Anti-War Posters from City College of New York
A collection of flyers and other material circulated at The City College of New York (CCNY) between 1934 and 1936.
The Woman Teacher Documents a Feminist Labor Union’s Victory
The UK’s National Union of Women Teachers went from splinter group to union in its own right, winning on equal pay—as The Woman Teacher shows first-hand.
Nine Black Cat Stickers
They crossed our path and we lived to tell the tale. Check them out in the Street Arts Graphics Collection!
Bombs and the Bikini Atoll
The haute beachwear known as the bikini was named after a string of islands turned into a nuclear wasteland by atomic bomb testing.
Polish Posters in the RISD Library Collection
Posters are part of a tradition of object-based learning at the Rhode Island School of Design.
Marian Anderson Photo Archives
The African American opera singer made history with a stirring concert at the Lincoln Memorial. But there was much more to Marian Anderson.
The Brooklyn College Farm Labor Project of the 1940s
The coronavirus pandemic left farmers falling back on students to pick crops. But it certainly wasn’t the first time.
Freshwater Fish of Virginia
Roanoke College's Ichthyological Collection of over 800 freshwater fish documents the biodiversity we're losing at an alarming rate.
Anti-Imperialist Propaganda Posters from OSPAAAL
OSPAAAL, the international, pro-communist organization formed in 1966, decried American imperialism with powerful propaganda.