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What can Hong Kong hope for? (Public Books)
by J. Daniel Elam
The Hong Kong protests are a revolutionary struggle with remarkably modest ambitions. What do the protestors’ goals and expectations tell us about the future of state regulation and global capital?

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The revolutionary potential of kindness (The Atlantic)
by Annie Lowrey
In a world of injustice and inequality, promoting kindness might feel too soft and fuzzy to bother with. But research suggests that simple, interpersonal acts of generosity may offer a route toward broader, systemic change.

Looking for the origins of animals’ same-sex behavior (The New York Times)
by Asher Elbein
Scientists have documented same-sex sexual activity in more than 1,500 animal species. For a long time, they’ve been asking what evolutionary value made these behaviors emerge. But a new study suggests that could be missing their deep roots.

The weird magic of the axolotl (Aeon)
by Scott Sayare
Like humans, axolotls retain juvenile characteristics into adulthood. The strange-looking salamanders can also regrow limbs, transform into an entirely different sort of creature in middle age under very particular circumstances, or—with the intervention of humans—merge with other axolotls in bizarre Frankenstein configurations.

So you’ve got the flu (The Cut)
by Katie Heaney
No, you don’t need to starve a fever. Yes, you should go to the doctor as soon as the fever, chills, and coughing starts. These and more science-based tips for flu season.

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