A History of Brazil
The largest country in South America is home to a wide variety of cultures, fascinating history, and some of the most pristine wilderness found anywhere in the world.
The “Keystone Species” Concept That Transformed Ecology
Dr. Robert Paine's "keystone species" concept was a profound discovery that changed the field of ecology forever.
Why We Can’t Turn Away from Wildlife Cams
Wildlife cams have steadily gained popularity among both scientists and casual observers. But viewers aren't always prepared for wildlife unscripted.
Were Hobbits Real?
New research suggests that a distinct species, dubbed "hobbits", existed between 17,000 and 95,000 years ago.
We’re Down to Half the Fish in the Sea
Since the 1970s, half of the world's fish population has disappeared. We trace the history of this ecological disaster.
Journey to the Center(pede) of the Earth
The deepest living centipede has been discovered in a Croatian cave.
With Few Mates, Female Sawfish Go It Alone
Smalltooth sawfish are increasingly reproducing without males, according to new research.
Old Data, New Discoveries: Solving The Paradox of the Plankton
In 1961, G. E. Hutchinson first outlined what he called the paradox of the plankton. Over 50 years later, it may be solved.
Searching for a New Species? Look in the Museum
A Doncaster museum found that an old plaster cast of an ichthyosaur was in fact a brand new species.