red knee tarantula

Fear and Your Brain

Researchers at Cambridge studied how peoples' brains respond to fear.

Plants Know When They Are Being Eaten. (And They Fight Back.)

Plants have long employed a variety of defensive strategies against herbivores, but the scope and sophistication of these defenses is still being understood.
Moving Forest

The Incredible Moving Forest

For as long as plants have existed, there have been moving forests, migrating across the earth’s surface in response to changes in the climate.
A well-groomed thoughtful cat

The Curious Science of Animal Personalities

Any pet owner can tell you that different pets have different personalities, but actually measuring personality in non-human animals is a challenge.
Cockroach milk illustration

Got (Cockroach) Milk?

Is cockroach milk the next hot super food?
Kindness and politics

The Politics of Kindness in 2016

Kindness matters. It’s just that our politicians have their own reasons for their own kind behavior.

The Bigger Your House, The More Room for Bugs

Insect diversity inside the house strongly correlates with neighborhood income. The higher up the income ladder you climb, the greater the diversity of bugs.
Sleeping dog

Extreme Napping in the Animal Kingdom

Although sleep is ubiquitous for animals with brains, differences in how, why, and for how long animals sleep remain unexplained.
Enigma machine

Will Reading Romance Novels Make Artificial Intelligence More Human?

Google is feeding its natural language AI thousands of romance novels in an effort to humanize its “conversational tone.” Will this give it "humanness?"
altruistic marmot

Why Do Animals Share?

Natural selection should weed out the do-gooders and leave only egoists, but animals share just the same.