JSTOR recipes

5 Great Recipes from JSTOR

‘Tis the season for feasting and family traditions. And around here, that means digging into JSTOR’s digital library. ...
Charlie Rose Louis C.K. Kevin Spacey

#MeToo and the New Era of Internet Celebrity

We may want to support the #MeToo victims, but many of us also feel allegiance to our favorite celebrity. And the internet is at the heart of that dynamic.
Yellowstone wolf

Wyoming’s War on Wolves

Gray wolves in Wyoming recently lost their protected status. What will become of a species burdened by myths about its "fierce and furious" nature?
Oxford spires

Old English Has a Serious Image Problem

Although studying the language known as “Anglo-Saxon” helped women advance in the academy, the subject is fraught with racist associations.
Stanley Fish

Stanley Fish’s Academic Clickbait

The “renegade” scholar Stanley Fish is really a bit dramatic.
Herman Melville

Melville’s Confidence Man Today

Does Herman Melville's 1857 novel The Confidence-Man have anything to tell us about our present day? Philip Roth thinks so.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 2006

Gabriel García Márquez: Off in the Clouds

A 1987 interview with the author of the beloved books One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera.
Victorian woman reading

A Novel Defense of the Internet

Novel reading was once regarded as an idle occupation, just as Internet use is now.
British burn Washington, 1814

The Original Hawks and Doves

Where do the terms hawks and doves come from? The symbolic connections are ancient, but the War of 1812 put them in the political lexicon.
Langston Hughes

The Drag Aesthetic of Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes' poetry was influenced by the drag scene in 1920s Harlem.