Che Guevara
In 1964, 5 years after the end of the Cuban revolution, Che Guevara wrote for an academic journal. Read the Cuban leader in his own words.
Bioethics: Key Concepts and Research
Two experts in bioethics have curated a reading list of over 20 JSTOR sources on selected issues like: gene-editing, research and treatment, reproduction, disability, genetics, genealogy and race.
How War Affects Wildlife
A multi-decade study of wildlife in Africa found that armed conflict—even infrequent, low-level conflict—was enough to cause declines in a wide range of wildlife populations.
Is it Smart To Cut Foreign Aid Because of Human Rights Abuses?
Recently, the US denied Egypt nearly $96 million in international aid, as chastisement for the country's abysmal human rights record.
Potsdam and the Origins of the Cold War
An exploration of Potsdam and its effects on the Cold War.