Diagram outlining how menstrual cycles connect to computer networks

Why the Future of the Internet May Depend on the History of Abortion

Our columnist’s take on the future of the Internet and the importance of grassroots networks.

The Internet’s Baby Pictures, 25 Years After the Birth of the Web

Tim Berners-Lee set up HTML (hypertext markup language) and HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) twenty-five years ago today.
The bright star Alpha Centauri and its surroundings

Sending Tiny Robots to the Nearest Star

A group of astrophysicists think they have found a way to send a probe to the newest star system, Alpha Centauri.
Jim Bauer, via Flickr https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7562/15566635873_27d7dc07fe_o_d.jpg, https://www.flickr.com/photos/lens-cap/

Happy Mother’s Day: Kids’ Screen Time is a Feminist Issue

Portable electronics like smartphones and tablets are indispensable tools for mothers and caregivers. Why do we shame them for allowing kids screen time?
The Hubble Space Telescope as seen from the departing Space Shuttle Atlantis, flying STS-125, HST Servicing Mission 4.

Happy Birthday, Hubble Telescope!

This year, the Hubble Telescope celebrates its 26th year in space. 
Alushta, Russia - October 25, 2015: Woman holding in the hand iPhone6S Rose Gold in cafe. iPhone 6S Rose Gold was created and developed by the Apple inc.

A Robot By Any Other Name

What happens when our AI is part of the family? Our tech blogger on how naming and talking to our devices changes our relationship to technology itself.
Artificial intelligence robot.

When the AI Promotes Genocide

It seemed like a good idea; Microsoft introduced an Artificial Intelligence (AI), Tay, to comment on social media ...
Boy playing a video game.

Is Video Game Addiction a “Boy” Problem?

There are some girls who get really into video gaming, but it seems like it’s far more frequently an issue for little boys.
Astronaut in space

What Happens To The Body in Orbit?

Scott Kelly has returned from a year in orbit. How has he fared? Turns out space flight really does do a number on the body.
How to Prepare Kids to Resolve Online Conflict

Teachers Against Trolls: How to Prepare Kids for Online Conflict

We need to look beyond technology and consider social solutions to engage and disagree constructively online.