How To Live With Internet Trolls
We need to start thinking about how to live with internet trolls even while we look for ways to reduce or eliminating trolling.
The Soft Robot Revolution
Science fiction has accustomed us to metallic, humanoid robots, but there are better models out there.
A Labor Day Look at the Future of Work
If computers endanger the hard-won gains of the labor movement, do we need a new way of addressing tech-driven income inequality?
Fast, Cheap, and Totally Popular: Tintypes
Tintypes were an early, accessible, cheap form of photography, just the thing for on-the-go Americans.
6 Digital Work Habits Every Student (and Adult) Needs
These digital study habits are relatively simple and sustainable, and work for students and parents alike.
Can Virtual Reality Emerge as a Tool for Conservation?
New advances in technology are sparking efforts to use virtual reality to help people gain a deeper appreciation of environmental challenges.
Will Reading Romance Novels Make Artificial Intelligence More Human?
Google is feeding its natural language AI thousands of romance novels in an effort to humanize its “conversational tone.” Will this give it "humanness?"
A Novel Defense of the Internet
Novel reading was once regarded as an idle occupation, just as Internet use is now.