Epiphytes in Costa Rica

How Ants Make Gardens in the Sky

You probably haven’t heard of ant gardens, but JSTOR has. High above neotropical rain forests, ants create elaborate nests, sharing them with epiphytes.
Greenland Shark illustration

Slow, Steady, and Very, Very, Very Old

Why do Greenland Sharks and Pacific Rockfish live for hundreds and hundreds of years?
Badger group

What Birds, Coyotes, and Badgers Know About Teamwork

 Mutualism is a relationship between organisms where both benefit.
Sleeping dog

Extreme Napping in the Animal Kingdom

Although sleep is ubiquitous for animals with brains, differences in how, why, and for how long animals sleep remain unexplained.

Bringing Back the Cougars

A controversial proposed solution to the Eastern United States' deer population problem.
Agnes Chase

Women’s Fight for Scientific Fieldwork

How did women scientists fit into the naturalists and botanist mix during their earliest days in the field?
frigate bird

The Astounding Adaptations of Long-Distance Flyers

Frigate birds are truly champion fliers. The birds can fly for weeks without stopping. How do they do it?
Photograph of two frogs

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Frog Sex (but Were Afraid to Ask)

New research suggests that specific positions may serve to ensure that frog species only mate with their own kind.
Coral and fish in the Red Sea underwater

The Unlikely Places Where Corals Thrive

Working with local populations to live responsibly with coral reefs may have even better long-term effects than trying to protect said reefs.
Close-up of a cicada

Can You Hear It? The Cicadas Are Back

After 17 years quietly developing under the soil, 3 species of periodical cicadas emerged this summer. How do these insects coordinate?