How Women Helped to Develop the First Spacesuit
NASA recently cancelled an all-female spacewalk, citing a lack of spacesuits. Ironically, women played a key role in creating the very first spacesuits.
What Is a Quantum Computer?
Researchers claim to have turned back time inside a quantum computer. Meanwhile, most of us are still trying to wrap our minds around what that even means.
How Medical Researchers Used to Party
There’s always been some fuzziness in our distinctions between medicine and recreational drugs. Just look at nitrous oxide.
This Island Is Closed for Maintenance
The Faroe Islands owe their untouched nature to their remote location and stormy climate. And to a weekend closure.
How Scientific Is Forensic Science?
We like to think that physical evidence is a foolproof way to lock in a conviction. The problem is that forensic science isn't exactly a science.
Kuiper Belt Objects Are as Mysterious as They Are Distant
Recently the New Horizons spacecraft made the first flyby of a Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) in the extreme outer solar system. What do we know about KBOs?
How to Avoid a Meteor
It isn’t likely that Earth will be hit by a large meteor, but if it were, the results would be catastrophic.
The Woman Who Found the Earth’s Inner Core
Inge Lehmann was the seismologist and mathematician who figured out what the Earth's core was actually made of.
Coexisting With Crocodiles
Conservation efforts have led to increased crocodile populations in areas like the Philippines. It's great news for the crocs. Not so much for the people.
Rotating Black Holes May Serve as Gentle Portals for Hyperspace Travel
Feel like visiting another star system or dimension? You can do this by traveling through a black hole.