A high border fence

The Ecological Impact of a Border Wall

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for a large border wall. We look at the damage a wall would create for the surrounding ecology.
Black and white mapping of canals

The Extinct Civilization of Mars

Liquid water has been detected on Mars. We explore the history of the search, and the astronomer, Percival Lowell, who shook the public imagination.
Woman holding her head in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other

What Causes Brain Freeze AKA Ice Cream Headaches?

Brain freeze, or the ice cream headache, is still little understood.
A man holding his head while dark illustrated drawings escape

Aphantasia: When the Mind’s Eye is Blind

Those suffering from aphantasia cannot form mental images. Which begs the question: What exactly do we mean when we say mental image?
An older man napping on the couch

Take a Nap, It’s Good For You

Like taking a nap? Exploring the research that finds a positive correlation between health and a short daily rest.
Skeletal fossils of the hand of Homo naledi

Homo Naledi: Our Newly Discovered Ancestor

Found in a cave in South Africa, the fossils have been determined to be from Homo naledi, a previously unknown ancestor of the human species.
"Stonehenge Wide Angle". Licensed under Public Domain via <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stonehenge_Wide_Angle.jpg#/media/File:Stonehenge_Wide_Angle.jpg" target="_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a>

Stonehenge’s Larger Neighbor

The discovery of Durrington Walls, a monument more formidable than Stonehenge, deepens the mystery of these Neolithic structures.
The habitat at sunset - photo by Sian Proctor
University of Hawai`i at Manoa

Sealed In A Dome For Science

NASA volunteers are experimenting with long-term isolation in a dome in preparation for long space flights.
A truck transporting newly cut trees out of the forest

Is Tropical Sustainable Logging Possible?

So-called sustainable commercial logging is not sustainable.
A swimming platypus

Venom Found in the Unlikeliest of Animals

Venom is used by some surprising animals, including mammals.