Why Electroshock Therapy Isn’t Bad for You
Electroconvulsive therapy, or electroshock, has a bad reputation, but medically its efficacy is well documented, even if nobody knows how it works.
Do Tall People Have a Higher Risk of Cancer?
We review the research on the correlation between height and cancer risk.
Botanist and Murderer? The Strange End of George R. Proctor
The obituary of noted botanist George R. Proctor reveals a surprising story.
Protecting Mars From Earthly Contaminates
Now that water has been discovered on Mars, the next step is to ensure we don't contaminate the planet with Earthly microbes and bacteria.
Fire Season is Getting Longer and Longer
A look at how climate change and human influences are changing the dynamics of fire, and the landscape, in the American west.
Chernobyl: Can Wildlife Return After the Blast?
For 30 years we have assumed that no life would return to Chernobyl after the nuclear disaster there. We may be wrong.
Next stop for the New Horizons Spacecraft: The Kuiper Belt
New Horizons, the NASA probe deployed to visit Pluto, has begun a new mission: visit the Kuiper belt, a region beyond the orbit of Neptune.
Head Transplants: A History
The first human head transplant is scheduled for 2017. But the possibility of transplants has transfixed scientists for most of the last century.