How to Make It Rain
The United Arab Emirates is looking into building an artificial mountain in order to stimulate rain. Will it work?
Why No One Believed Einstein
Einstein's theory of relativity presented a direct challenge to the notion of ether.
Extreme Napping in the Animal Kingdom
Although sleep is ubiquitous for animals with brains, differences in how, why, and for how long animals sleep remain unexplained.
Risqué and Radical: Benzion Liber’s X-Rated Yiddish Sex Guide
In 1915, Dr. Benzion Liber published a book that described good sex, pregnancy, childbirth, masturbation, sex education, and venereal diseases…in Yiddish.
The Natural Resources You Didn’t Know You Needed
Fossil fuels might get all the attention, but a recent discovery in Tanzania is a reminder of the other, less-heralded natural resources that we use.
Can Virtual Reality Emerge as a Tool for Conservation?
New advances in technology are sparking efforts to use virtual reality to help people gain a deeper appreciation of environmental challenges.
Bringing Back the Cougars
A controversial proposed solution to the Eastern United States' deer population problem.
Women’s Fight for Scientific Fieldwork
How did women scientists fit into the naturalists and botanist mix during their earliest days in the field?
Will Reading Romance Novels Make Artificial Intelligence More Human?
Google is feeding its natural language AI thousands of romance novels in an effort to humanize its “conversational tone.” Will this give it "humanness?"
A Novel Defense of the Internet
Novel reading was once regarded as an idle occupation, just as Internet use is now.