Venezuela’s Mysterious Tepuis
Many species on the tepui summits are found nowhere else. How did those species get there?
Who Gets To Speak Publicly About Sex?
Frederick Hollick's case involved not only his controversial sex-positive arguments, but also the question of who should be privy to medical knowledge about sex.
America’s Mysterious Lost Tree
Extinct in the wild, the Franklinia tree is still cultivated in botanical gardens, private homes, parks, even cemeteries. It's also got an interesting Revolutionary-era backstory.
The Race to Save the Axolotl
When an axolotl loses a limb, it regrows, and nary a scar remains. But this incredible creature is on the brink of extinction.
The Impact of Studying Antarctica
In such a pristine landscape, even a few thousand people can have a major ecological impact.
The Wildest Inventions in Scientific Research
Sometimes scientists end up turning into inventors throughout the course of their research. Three cases in point.
Synesthesia for Beginners
Synesthesia—a mixing and merging of the senses—is surprisingly common. Studies of the phenomenon can help explain how the brain and sensory system work.
Great Scientific Discoveries That Weren’t
Dinosaur DNA! Life on Mars! In the world of science, amazing discoveries don’t quite work out the way the discoverer hopes they will.
What Congress Should Know About the Internet
Facebook's privacy and ad preferences settings are a privacy placebo: they trick us into feeling a little better, but they don't treat the underlying disease.
The Long Tradition of Dangerous “Cures”
Medical cures are usually too good to be true. Numerous doctors wrote to the prestigious British Medical Journal, reporting on their prescription of raw meat juice to patients.