Photograph of Charles Darwin by Maull and Polyblank for the Literary and Scientific Portrait Club (1855).

Charles Darwin In His Own Words

Some collected letters and observations from the great naturalist, Charles Darwin. 
A concept illustration of three aligned planets

There May Be a Ninth Planet (And It’s Not Pluto)

Caltech astronomer Michael Brown has proposed the existence of a ninth planet, the existence of which would explain the strange orbits of six KBOs. 
Periodic elements

The Ever-Evolving Periodic Table of Elements

Four new elements--113, 115, 117, and 118--have been added to the periodic table. But the search for new elements hasn't always been so systematic. 
Comparison of skull features of Homo naledi and other early human species.

Dear Paleoanthropology, Homo Naledi Just Shifted Your Paradigm

A new fossil human ancestor has made its way into the media spotlight, and it’s causing quite a ruckus.
Jupiter with moons, Europa and Io.

The Art of Observing Weather on Distant Planets

Exoplanetary meteorology enables scientists to determine weather patterns on planets too far for direct observation. 
Visualization of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.

General Relativity 100 Years On

Einstein's groundbreaking theory of general relativity has remained an essential hallmark of modern physics.
Hobbits from The Lord of the Rings. Photo credit: Neal Peters Collection

Were Hobbits Real?

New research suggests that a distinct species, dubbed "hobbits", existed between 17,000 and 95,000 years ago.

I ❤ Physics: A Love Story

I could not bring myself to accept string theory’s claim, often presented as a scientific fact, that there are exactly 11 dimensions.
Extreme ultraviolet light streams out of an X-class solar flare

The Threat of Solar Flares

Solar flares are highly unpredictable and difficult to anticipate. But their threat is very real.
North American Nebula

The Search For Antimatter

Physicists, in recent years, have been trying to find evidence of antimatter in the universe. Its existence could overturn the Big Bang theory.