Lincoln's funeral in DC

Forgetting Abraham Lincoln

Sarah Browne’s neglect of Lincoln, compared with the ceaseless remembrance of her daughter, did not lessen her desolation over the assassination.
Landscape view of San Gimignano

San Gimignano’s Fascist Redesign

The politically-influenced redesign of the famed towers of San Gimigano.
Hands on a computer keyboard

Obscenity and Unintended Consequences

In the Journal of American Studies, Amanda Frisken investigated how an earlier set of standards around obscenity emerged in the 1870s.
Senate Building in Washington, D.C.

The Logan Act

An old American Law, The Logan Act, has suddenly been thrust into the news.
Newspaper from 1851, titled Exhibition Supplement to the Illustrated London News

Anonymity and Public Debate—in the 1800s

But 150 years ago in Great Britain, the question of what role anonymity should play in public discourse looked completely different than today.
A pinned map indicating Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad for Beginners

An introduction to the Kaliningrad Oblast, surrounded by Poland, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea.
Saint Patrick stained glass window from Cathedral of Christ the Light, Oakland, CA.
By Sicarr (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Will the Real St. Patrick Please Stand Up

The "St. Patrick" celebrated on March 17 every year has never existed. He was, and is, a metaphorical, literary, and religious conceit.
Black and white illustration of a chained elephant, titled Uganda, giving a side glance to the explorer and colonizer who are discussing it

The Original White Elephant

The unsettling story of Barnum's White Elephant.
A stethoscope monitoring the pulse of a stack of twenty dollar bills

How Subtle Subsidies Shaped U.S. Health Care

Melissa A. Thomasson looked into how federal money created the U.S. health care landscape as we know it.