When Mexico Was Flooded By Immigrants
In the early nineteenth-century, Mexico had a problem with American immigrants.
Hillary Clinton: Women’s Rights Are Human Rights
Welcome to a new series that brings you original content from individuals in the news.
The Birth of the “Policed Society”
Over the course of the nineteenth century policing became increasingly professionalized.
Émilie Du Châtelet: Heroine of the Enlightenment
Émilie Du Châtelet was one of the great figures of the Enlightenment in France.
Populism for Beginners
If the appeal of Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, and Brexit can all be described as "populist," then what is populism?
Susan B. Anthony on Her Revolutionary Foremothers
Susan B. Anthony discusses how women's rights have evolved in a 1902 North American Review piece, "Woman's Half-Century of Evolution."
Party Conventions and the Political Amateur
As the Republican and Democratic party conventions approach, many wonder which way the "political amateur" delegates will vote.
Why Do They Build Party Platforms, Anyway?
What is the point of the party platforms unveiled at political conventions?
Do Terrorists Ever Win?
Surveying the purported objectives of 28 international terrorist groups and determining whether these groups achieved their aims.
Publishing the Presidents
President Obama made news for being the first President to publish a scholarly article while in office. Many past Presidents can be found in JSTOR.