scared kid

How Scary is Too Scary?

Halloween poses questions for parents, like how scary is too scary for their kids? The answer depends on when we ask the question.
Albert Anker, Fortune Teller

The Surprising Historical Significance of Fortune-Telling

The possible futures predicted by fortune-telling happen just often enough to tantalize, preying on our deepest aspirations of catching a "big break."
procrastination folders

The Psychological Origins of Procrastination—and How We Can Stop Putting Things Off

The psychology behind procrastination involves how we perceive of value, 
thai spaghetti

“Eastern Spaghetti”: How Italian Food Became a Favorite in Thailand

Thai-Italian fusion is massively popular in Thailand. How did pizza and pasta make their way into Thai cuisine?
Harvard-Michigan football game

How Teddy Roosevelt Changed Football

Is football too violent? It's a problem Teddy Roosevelt once tried to solve from the White House.
September 11 memorial

How 9/11 Changed Americans

15 years after 9/11, what are the lasting effects on Americans' psychology?
Marie Antoinette hair

The Political Power of Marie Antoinette’s Hair

With the help of a French hairdresser, Marie Antoinette embarked on what initially appeared to be a happily fated alliance between the Habsburgs and the Bourbons.
Old wedding photo

Marriage: Not What It Used to Be

Marriage and relationship advice has changed as the institutions evolve.
42nd Street 1980s

Is There Really a Link between Mental Illness and Homelessness?

"Housing first” programs are helping cut homelessness in big ways. How significant is the link between mental illness and homelessness?
Riverdale Courts, Toronto

The Social Engineering of Affordable Housing

Pushes for affordable housing, and even social engineering be it Silicon Valley in 2016, or Toronto in 1912.