They’re Here, They’re Genderqueer, Get Used to Gender Neutral Pronouns
Ongoing study and debate about gender neutral pronouns.
Debating Birth Control In Pre-Revolutionary France
Attitudes toward birth control in 18th century France.
When Sex Didn’t Sell: Marketing Victoria’s Secret and Frederick’s of Hollywood
How will Frederick’s of Hollywood be remembered in a Victoria's Secret age?
The Religious-Irreligious Divide in Working Class Chicago
The struggle for the standard eight-hour workday in Chicago was a bitter one.
Divorce in the U.S.A.
A glimpse into the long history of divorce in the United States offers perspective on how much has changed.
Tax Day in Ancient Egypt
A newly-analyzed papyrus fragment from Ancient Egypt revealed a truly whopping tax bill
Bosnia in Hiking Boots: A History of Mountaineering Clubs
Through the story of Bosnian mountaineering, an alternative mini-history of Bosnia emerges.